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Meet the member:
Chloe Milne – Fisher & Donaldson

Introducing Chloe Milne

When brothers in law Willie Fisher & Davie Donaldson decided to spend their WW1 Demob money on a new bakery project in 1919, little did they know it would go on to achieve a Royal Warrant and become one of Scotland’s favourite family bakers.

FFF went to Fisher & Donaldson’s Ceres Road bakery in Cupar to visit Retail Director, Chloe Milne, (5th generation), find out what’s so special about Fife’s famous bakery and sample a Scotch pie… ok, and a donut (…don’t judge me!).

The Company is Fisher & Donaldson, how does the Milne name fit?

My Great Grandfather Alexander Milne, was orphaned in the war. His uncle, Willie Fisher took him under his wing and he became involved in the family business from a young age.

Who’s at the helm now?

My brother Ben, sister Jade & I took over from our late Uncle Sandy who retired after our 100th anniversary & our Dad Eric, who is trying to retire but still juggling some commitments like judging our annual staff bake-off!

What do you think has been the key to success?

Our staff, carefully expanding the range & never compromising on quality. We’re a constant, always there at every celebration (‘there’s no celebration without cake’ as the saying goes). Our customers have grown up with us and we’re honoured to be part of their celebrations. We offer a touch of nostalgia that’s comforting and invokes lots of happy memories while at the same time making lots more! Our customer loyalty cards go down a treat too!

How many outlets do you have now?

We have 7 shops across St Andrews, Cupar & Dundee. Two are takeaway only, one standalone café, four have tea rooms and then there’s the bakery itself. We also have 15 instore concessions, mostly within Greens stores.

How important is it to you to get the right ingredients?

Consistency is a huge part of our appeal. We make quality food and we’ve always made everything daily, by hand in Fife. We use local ingredients as much as possible including flour from Carr’s in Kirkcaldy, strawberries from Fife (when in season), milk from Grahams and we use over 100 tonnes of Fife oats each year. The main exception is the French flour we import for our artisan baguettes.

How has the range developed?

Our Grandad expanded the range to include coffee & chocolate amongst other things. Our Grandma (Audrey Milne) asked him to make a Choux bun with coffee cream, which he said would never sell – it’s our second best-selling product today!
In addition to the traditional & artisan breads, pies, sausage rolls, Bridies, and our famous fudge doughnut, we also produce multi-award-winning oatcakes, shortbread biscuits, Belgian chocolates and don’t forget the Frog cakes!

How do you spread the F & D love outside of your own shops?

Our vans deliver to businesses across Fife, Dundee, Perth, Edinburgh, Aberdeen & in between. (Anyone interested in stocking a selection of our products can call or email and we can see about adding them to one of our routes)

In addition to our wholesale business, we also work with St Andrew’s University to run ‘Love from Home’, which is a really lovely concept enabling parents to buy hampers & birthday cakes for delivery to students in Halls of Residence. We also cater for the university’s garden parties & graduation ceremonies. We build a giant doughnut wall for the Graduation Ball each year!

You have a team of over 130 employees – what are your top tips for staff retention & wellbeing?

We have an absolutely amazing team across all areas of our business. At our staff party in 2022 we awarded long service medals for the first time, with several members having been with us over 30 years. Lynn the ‘Sausage Roll Queen’ has been here for an incredible 45 years! She’s thankfully sharing her baking wisdom with some of her colleagues so it’s not lost if/when she retires. We even have multiple generations of different families working with us.

I believe that being an open and honest employer is important, and working to empower our managers to lead their teams has been a vial learning curve that we have been working through. Recognising good work and creating strong teams is crucial.

Is it true, F & D once held a Guinness World record?

Yes! For the World’s Largest Doughnut Wall – in celebration of our 100th Anniversary. It contained over 1000 donuts and was unveiled on St Andrews Day as part of The Big Hoolie.

What’s your favourite product & why?

Our best seller is the fudge doughnut but at the minute our Belgian biscuits are my favourite (the range is pretty big so it changes!).

I’m more of a savoury than sweet person so I’d always opt for a cheese course, than sweet dessert, so I eat a lot of our oatcakes. I absolutely love our Belgian chocolates too!

What’s next for Fisher & Donaldson?

It’s a really exciting time for us with lots going on behind the scenes including refits for 5 of the 7 shops and cafes on the cards. We’re proud to be such a well-established part of the community & as Retail Director I’m very honoured to be a custodian of such a fun family business, which will eventually pass on to the next generation.

Fisher & Donaldson
Ceres Road, Cupar, FIFE, KY15 5JT
Tel: 01334 652551